Carrot Fries with fry sauce
I promise I’m not trying to suck all the fun out of your life by replacing everything with vegetables. 😂 I’m just trying to give you ideas of ways to incorporate more veggies into your daily life. Trust me when I say that I don’t eat perfect. Not even close. I like greasy, fatty food as much as everyone else. I just ‘try’ to eat them in moderation. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail. It’s not about perfection, it’s about consistency.
Ok, now onto these delicious fries. They’re surprisingly good. I say surprising because I love French fries. But trust me, these are worth a try.
1 cup (or really as many as you’d like) carrots peeled and sliced thinly. Don’t ruin this recipe by using baby carrots please. ;)
Spray extra virgin olive oil
Lightly spray carrots, sprinkle generously with salt. Air fry at 400 degreees for 10 minutes, flipping halfway.
Mix 1 Tb low fat Mayo made with olive oil with 1 Tb ketchup and 1 Tb Stubbs bbq sauce. 😋
Who’s ready for next week?? I know I am! 🙌